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I understand and acknowledge that completion of this application gives Prescott College permission to register me for the dual enrolled high school courses chosen and that this represents my electronic signature and agreement to be financially responsible to Prescott College for payment of all tuition, fee, and related costs that are added to my student account. I further agree to pay any fees, fines or penalties that are added to my student account which are related to my registration and attendance at the College during this period.
I understand that despite my expectations for payment from my high school or other sources, that I am ultimately responsible for all charges and fees or penalties related to my registration for the course(s) as a dual enrolled high school student.
I understand that Prescott College has the discretion to withhold my official transcript, or grades until all my financial obligations have been met.
I understand and agree that the College may, at its discretion, pursue remedies as permitted by law in the event that I am not of the age of majority when signing this agreement.
CEIL College